Friday 16 September 2016

Dom Mariani - Homespun Blues And Greens

Don't get me started on Dom Mariani, I may never shut up. I place him on the same pedestal as Tommy Keene for services to Power Pop. From the blistering live act The Stems to the Power Pop joy of DM3 via The Someloves and latterly the bluesier Datura 4, he is never less than interesting.

The Majestic Kelp displayed his guitar prowess and Homespun Blues And Greens is his pop album. I'm delighted to report that the excellent Sugarbush Records have released a vinyl edition of his solo masterpiece.

This 2004 gem, his only solo album, was released with a whimper and that's really irritating because it's an absolute stormer. Power Pop is at times looked upon as boys with guitars, if that's the case then this is Mariani's grown up album.

Don't get me wrong the riffs are still around on the likes of Bus Ride and Cold Cup, but it's a much gentler album overall. If anyone can perfect a riff it's this man, but they are used in a much less in your face way. The whole album is just great pop. Homespun Blues is a great opener and it's more traditional DM, but there's great brass accompaniment.

The slide on Yuri is ace, Prove is great Sixties Pop complete with La La La add ons and then there's the unusually moody closer When It Ends. The stand out though is Priest, the trademark riff is there. but it's a real cracker of a song with a superb solo.

It feels as though this album is one that Dom had always wanted to make and the mighty Mitch Easter has proved his mixing worth. I'd recommend any Dom Mariani related album, but this is not what you'd usually expect from him and that's the reason that it is essential listening.

You Tube's recent purge, making videos region specific, means I can't provide songs, but take my word for it, the album is highly recommended.

You can buy the album direct from Sugarbush here and you should jolly well do so. It's a one album reason to buy a turntable.


  1. He's an amazing talent and I loved The Someloves and not long ago I discovered he also played in the Stonefish, a surf instrumental band which was great. I featured a song from them on the radio when I was a guest host on CKCU (here is the show in case you want to hear it -

    1. I'm heading over there now Wally. I love Dom Mariani, I always look at him as the Australian Tommy Keene. Dom has a much harder edge at times though, I'm particularly enamoured with his Datura4 stuff.
