Sunday 27 November 2016

Back Rocking (But Gently)

I'm planning to be back with reviews from tomorrow, but it'll be slowly but surely. I've a fair bit to catch up on, but it's also a quiet time of year release wise. Please keep sending your music in, I have a lot of time on my hands to listen, just a bit less attention span for writing at present.

I don't like to talk much about me, particularly here, it's about music. The Heart Attack was a complete surprise. I'd been complaining of viruses for a few weeks, I'd missed a few shows because of it, but I had no idea what the illness was the precursor for.I now know it's not like the Movies, where you fall over clutching your heart. I just thought I'd become a hypochondriac.

Family, Friends, Musicians and Fans have been fantastic. I've been gobsmacked by the emails, cards and even a specially written Get Well Song by a Power Pop Legend. People have been in touch with Tez daily and she's been amazed at how kind people are.

I'll be rescheduling all interviews this week, most will probably be by email for now. If anyone wants me, you have my email and Facebook / Twitter or I am happy to chat on the phone. Tez is back at work now, so I have plenty of time, if not the attention span. I'm feeling much better, but little things get me tired. I'm told this is normal.

Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts, completely unexpected and very very welcome.


  1. Glad you're on the mend. Look forward to business as usual on here. Best wishes.

  2. Don, I don't know you in person, but feel I have come to know you through what you post on this sight and other ASH endeavors the last few years. I am glad to know that you are still with us, filling my world and many, many others' worlds with a soundtrack to enjoy as we all grow a little older and wiser!

  3. Espero de ´corazón ´ que todo pase y te re recuperes lo más satisfactoriamente posible ; somos vulnerables , mucho ánimo !!!!
    Saludos desde la tierra del Cierzo .

  4. Only discovered this site by accident a couple of months ago but, in no time, I found myself saying "Why isn't he updating this site? What's he playing at? etc ' You can imagine how I feel now I've discovered that you had far more important things to deal with. In my defence, of course, I was only saying that because this is such a great site but nothing is more important than your health so take your time, get well and come back only when you're good and ready. All the best.

  5. Ha ha John,

    People weren't to know. I will be back with a vengeance, there's plenty to come.
