Thursday 9 March 2017

Gretchen's Wheel - Sad Scientist

One of my favourite albums from last year was Gretchen's Wheel's Behind The Curtain. So much so, that I've been eagerly awaiting the third album. The great news is that it is only a week away from release and the it's a cracker.

Imagine Sloan fronted by Chrissie Hynde and you have some idea of how good Gretchen's Wheel are. Lindsay Murray has one of those calming voices that just washes away the blues. One of th most underrated female vocalists around.

The album has quite a list of accomplices too. Donny Brown and Andy Reed who were on most of the best Power Pop releases of last year. The splendid Fernando Perdomo, Ken Stringfellow, Nick Bertling and Paul Melancon amongst them. It's like a Power Pop who's who.

With the album still in the pre-release period, there are only two tracks currently on Bandcamp. So let me tell you about some of the others. Blank Slate is built around a wonderful glam riff, Save The Day is moody, meandering and magnificent.

Disintegrate has another killer riff. I've often thought that Murray could do an Annie Haslam type moody vocal. Well she has on the splendid album closer, a voice of an angel type thing, Same Song, with some ace guitar from Perdomo.

The thing that strikes out most is THAT voice and what a fine thing it is.

You can pre-order the album here. Release date is 17 March, but CD's are being sent out ahead of that date.

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