Thursday 27 May 2021

The Like Minded People Link List

In a moment of complete dimwittedness, I have deleted the "Like Minded Friends" section of I Don't Hear A Single. I was adding a new blog that has replaced an older blog and in deleting the old one, deleted the whole section. 

I have a backup from 10 days ago, but that would be a great kerfuffle getting the posts since back up to date. So can I ask that, if you were included, you would remind me in case I have missed anyone and I will put you back in situ.

It can be new and improved blah blah etc etc. I am sitting in the corner wearing a hat that has a big D on the front. I shall sit here until I realise the consequences of my carelessness.

1 comment:

  1. I was googling my new albums name and that led me to what I thought was going to be a post here. Unfortunately, it seems that was part of what got deleted? - Eytan Mirsky
