Friday 25 June 2021

Lewis Wilson - Wonderthrill


Lately, everything comes back to Scotland. In music, lifestyle, attitude, in fact most things whilst across the Border, we deal with all the nonsense that is Brexit and political lies. Coming from a Northern Town devastated by the closing of mines and glass factories, I find it so hard to understand how the residents vote in the Top Hatted shysters, but enough of that.

Falkirk's Lewis Wilson releases his eighth album and as you'd expect it is wall to wall Pop Rock excellence. The double bonus for is is Stu Kidd's continued involvement as we at IDHAS are big fans of The Wellgreen and his magnificent Kidd album. 

To say Wonderthrill is chirpy is a real understatement. The charm and joy oozes out and it already feels like Summer. Face Like Fizz makes me want to run merrily in the adjacent field with its gentle jangle and that is where a lot of this album resides.

The Love Is In This Town is another pop gem, a little REM Out Of Time in its feel and You're Lighter Than I heads towards Psych Pop. Find That Place is very 70s Pop Rock, say Liverpool Express and Karma's Gone is very West Coast.

You'd expect some jangle and the likes of Dusty Cloud provides that splendidly. Sugar Hill is Nick Heyward to a tee. However, you could select any of the 14 songs present here and like each for a different reason and that is the album's strength.

Beautifully produced, gentle but able to break out and Wilson has a great voice. There is a lot of great Scottish music around at the moment, particularly Jangle and Dream Pop, but Wonderthrill feels much than that. Certainly more substantial. Pop Rock is on the up and an album that like this certainly leads the way.

You can listen to and buy the album here.


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