Sunday 11 July 2021

Drew Beskin - Problematic for the People


I've mentioned before that I'd love to see the return of the Singer Songwriter. The Nineties revival was a splendid affair, eventually spoiled by the gate being opened for the mediocre as everyone with a guitar became a singer songwriter. It all seemed to fade away.

I and many others yearn for the return of the likes of Michael Penn and Jason Falkner, probably banging on a closed door. So really I shouldn't be shouting for the old and celebrating and there are early signs that the Intelligent Pop Rock Solo Singer Songwriters are breaking through.

Athens Georgia's Drew Beskin is one of the leaders of that pack and this, his third album, is probably the best thing that I've heard since those aforementioned days. The album contains 11 beautifully written, expertly arranged and played gems. 

Beskin's songs are nothing like Falkner's, but they have his surprise element in that the verse can be nothing like the chorus and the change of temp or direction mid song catches you completely by surprise, Similar to Penn, he offers up gentle songs with a hidden bite. But essentially, Drew Beskin is Drew Beskin.

The Cut Of My Jib is a bouncy affair, slightly out of kilter with the rest of the album and so it excels because of that. However all of these songs will float your boat from the melancholy of Atlantic to the top notch Neil Finn like Genuine Article. 

I'm Not Human is a great opener, a real hook and a big riff grab you, but the tour de force is Double Dipper, a song that constantly surprises you. A verse that is almost stream of consciousness that breaks into a different tempo, different song even, for the killer chorus. Problematic For The People is outstanding. Highly Recommended!

You can listen to and buy the album here.


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