Saturday 16 April 2022

The Pillbugs - Marigold Something


There are a number of inventive bands that have always been on my essential list and sit happily on shelves in plain sight to allow me to pick them out whenever I'm thinking that new music has got a bit boring. I'm thinking of the likes of XTC, Sparks, The Mommyheads and The Pillbugs. 

In the Anything Should Happen days, I wouldn't shut up about The Pillbugs, they are the best example of how Psych Pop can be so melodic and yet so out of the ordinary. I should really ask Mick to catch up with Mark Mikel as a follow up to his Art Into Dust excellent coverage.

Marigold Something has been ready for release for a long time. In 2018 it was noted as ready to release and it has been well worth the wait. Recorded at Dead Moth Studio in Maumee Ohio between 2014 and 2017, there is a lot of Pillbugs to listen to, but the quantity never effects the quality.

Last year, I heard the second half of the album which had been released as Part 2, I thought I have to cover this when I have the complete thing and now I have. It is truly wonderful, a magnificent adventure, if you are put off by the term Psych Pop, don't be because Marigold Something is as great, if not better as any Pop Rock album you could name.

So where to begin? With there being 26 songs (it was always planned to be a double album) it is hard to pick out a favourite as the band run through the full range if their songs and it is expansive. The White album-ish Making Her Music Louder, the Baroque Pop of  Marigold Something. The big 70s Rock of Xenophobia and the Psych Prog of Woman Of No Return. 

All of those songs are as great as each other, but no finer than the rest of the album. Compare those to This Is A Wrap is real 60's, almost Small Faces Pop and September Grey goes all Vaudeville Jazz. Miracles Come (Once In A While) is epic Pop Rock and Under The City Lights may just be the best song here, McCartney-esque at his most Beatle adventurous. 

Eye To Eye goes all Modern Prog, whilst Compromise offers up a Psych Jangle. The Sweet Side is as laid back as they get, Lounge Psych if there is such a thing, yet Strange Imagination could be a Pop song. Mrs Sneed reveals that The Pillbugs can also Plank Spank.

With such a long album, you could expect some filler or it to be thrown together. Not a bit of that here! A couple of shorter Marigold interludes break up the album beautifully. You also sense that every instrument to hand has been used. The track order has been thought out and no two songs sound the same.

The nearest band that I can think of that compares to them is Spygenius and I believe both bands are seriously under appreciated. Marigold Something is a Masterpiece. I've picked four songs out to embed as examples of the quality on display. But you could select any and I urge you to give the album I listen. My favourite band in my favourite genre.

You can listen to and buy the album here.


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