Saturday 1 October 2022

31 Reviews In 31 Days


Welcome To October and what is traditionally a 31 Reviews in 31 Days month. I may get ahead of myself or even a bit behind, but the end result is 31 Reviews. I do try to keep up daily, but sometimes real life work gets in the way.

I Don't Hear A Single has never been about comments on the Blog. Blogger is great for a lot of things, particularly being free, but it isn't great at tracking comments. So a lot can be discussed on Social Media and there are various ways. You may have noticed that IDHAS moved away from posting every review on Facebook.

This was because I know how irritating it can be to see the same posts everywhere all the time, so I moved to a weekly summary of reviews largely. This also allowed the artists themselves to promote any review if they wished.

The 31 Days thing does post the review every day, but just one post per day across the three IDHAS Facebook places. The Social Media Links are all at the top of the page, but I give a small description of what each one does.

My own page has a large following and is usually where I am. That is my place and so includes me being the funniest man in the UK, grumbling and family. However I know quite a few musicians and music fans are Facebook Friends. It is mainly music friends. That is private, but all music posts are public and if you want to become a friend for all the other nonsense just friend request.

The I Don't Hear A Single Group does feature I Don't Here A Single Reviews, but is mainly for other musicians, fans, DJ's and labels to post their stuff. The I Don't Hear A Single page is for all things I Don't Hear A Single and has become more popular recently and is always public.

Some people prefer Twitter. I use that more for the regular users IDHAS wise and more for my own catching up with news and sport. One of the most frustrating things about Twitter is the names bands give themselves. They may be hilarious when set up, but try and find them when you are tagging a review. 

Finally Instagram is something I've never really understood. It is all just images and tags to me and following it seems a nightmare, but I know many like it. Finally, the comments on the blog has to be approved by me. It isn't censorship, everything genuine is published. It is just to avoid the porn and trickster links that used to appear when it was public.

Thoroughly bored now? Good, let us have the first review of the month.


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