Friday 14 October 2022

The Dead Century - The Well (Updated)


It seems ages since I've reviewed a band from Minneapolis. It's probably not, but it does take me back to the Trip Shakespeare and Semisonic days. The mini album also gets the seal of approval of my other half, Tez. She has to be a passive listener to a lot of stuff, rarely does she comment, but she is raving about Exit On An Inner State. 

The Well isn't necessarily the type of album I cover here. Not because it isn't great, it is, but it is perhaps a little more mainstream rock than we cover. IDHAS tends to lean more towards the poppier side of things, but this album is such a fine listen that it demands a review.

The Dead Century are an Indie Rock quartet and they specialise in wonderfully constructed storytelling songs. It is very American, at times maybe a little Southern Rock without the never ending instrumental interludes. You find your toes tapping with the songs built on big choruses, addictive riffs and excellent Guitar Solos that never out stay their welcome.

You'll have heard Enough To Get You Killed on a recent IDHAS 10 Song Mix and it is a cracking opening blast. The aforementioned Exit On An Interstate is as catchy as catchy can be and definitely a great intro for new listeners. It becomes a real earworm.

Realign gets close to Power Pop and Soft Focus even gets a little Country Rock. Miss Me In The Dark slows things down in a melancholic moody way and is built on a haunting riff. The standout song here though is November 12 2013.

It is a real story in a song, one of those songs that leave you wanting you to know more about the outcome. All six songs here engage you thoroughly. The Well is a belting listen that convinces me that The Dead Century will have a long career. Highly Recommended!

You can listen to and buy the album here. You can find out more about the band here.


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