Tuesday 18 April 2023

Sam Saunders - Onto-Communication Rescue


I get more and more frustrated with the likes of CD Baby and Distro Kid and the likes. They convince artists that they will sort of make them a star with physical distribution, online presence then just seem to stick them on the streaming sites with no promotion, youtube being a favourite and then just move on to the next.

No promotion, no Bandcamp or Soundcloud, no social media. Nowhere to earn anything back for the artist. Musicians release a physical album and it is put on Amazon and left there. Who is ever gonna find it? We know how hard it is for Indie artists to get their work listened to without a helping hand. These people are paid and give nothing back.

Which brings us to Sam Saunders, who seems to have utilised CD Baby and as usual the awareness is zilch. I can normally help listeners make a decision by embedding three songs in the review, but of course I don't use the soulless streaming giants and so I can only direct you to them to listen.

But I can tell you how good this album and it is really really good, Plenty of the Pop Rock Guitar joy is wonderful, riffs and solos abound. There is also a healthy dose of 70s Rock and particularly Psych Pop that just completely lights my candle.

The riff on Be Enough lights up a 60s Psychy Beatles affair and To Waste All Your Love has a spacey feel on what is essentially is largely 70s Rock with bits of everything thrown in. Rock 'N' Rollism is a cracking slab of late Lennon Beatles. 

But it isn't all Guitar excellence, although most of it thankfully is. The Airport hints at Teenage Rock and Roll, B Minor (Sidewinder) gets all chilled, jazzy even and I Wouldn't Hide has an ace drawled and double tracked vocal, much more sedate yet still with hints of The Orgone Box.

Stargazer Gazing hints at trance and is quite a soundscape, yet Communication Rescue is anthemic with a great piano hook bringing back memories of gatefold sleeves and Fidelity Hi Fi Stereos. Peaceful Night even mixes Psych and Prog in the most melodic way possible.

There really is so much to like here. Unexpected noises and instrument additions and stellar Guitar playing. I'm not overstruck on the drum sound, but that is a minor quibble when this is such an exceptional intriguing and inventive listen.


se give this an album a listen on your favourite streaming site. Links are here and included is a link to buy the CD or download from Amazon.


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