Tuesday 28 May 2024

Local Drags - City In A Room


We've covered Local Drags quite extensively and what seemed like Lanny Durbin's side project initially has now taken on a life of its own. Last year's Mess Of Everything waltzed into our Best Albums Of 2023, more than deservedly so. You can read the review here.

The great Power Pop is still here, but City In A Room feels a more personal reflective affair. It is a little more restrained and laidback at times and this allows the songs to breath. The album seems more heartfelt, certainly mellower and songs are more led by vibe than chiming guitars.

There is a healthy Jangle at times, less AOR leaning and more groove. Yer Anchor even sounds a little country and the killer almost weeping solo on Solid State has more in common with 70s Pop Rock than the three chord delights.

Indeed, there is a Tom Petty vibe at times, not necessarily vocally, but certainly instrumentally. Arrangements are all encompassing more held back Rock than Guitar Pop. Never more so, on the magnificent Don't You Think.

There is more than a hint of melancholia here and repeated listens reveal the influence of Americana and even Country Rock. Durbin's gentle melodic vocal suits the material perfectly. You can still hear the Pop Rock, but it is more in the background.

This is less Tommy Keene like than previous, but the closer, Yours If You Want certainly revels in that territory to underline how great at Power Pop, Durbin is. City In A Room sounds like a more grown up album and may bring an even wider audience, it certainly deserves to.  A special mention should also be given to the growing reputation of the splendid Stardumb Records label.

You can listen to and buy the album here.  You can buy the album on Vinyl or CD from Stardumb Records here. The Vinyl is also available in the States from The Machine Shop here.


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