Tuesday 3 September 2024

Dream Phases - Phantom Idol


It isn't coincidental that Ray Gianchetti of Kool Kat releases Phantom Idol on CD, as it was he who introduced me to the band with the 2019 album, So Long Yesterday, an album that I adore. We have since played later songs on the likes of the IDHAS Audio Explosion and Listening To This Week, so they are well overdue for a written album review.

Whereas that album was very much a Psych Rock affair, the new one is decidedly different. I've seen descriptions of the album as being Garage Rock and Post Punk and I don't hear too much of that, the main take that I hear is one of Pop Rock.


Indeed, Living In A Cave is adorable, melodic, gentle Melodic Rock, very 70s. Come On Now goes one step further into Soft Rock. Not Laughing even gets into the 60s, with gentle Psych crossed with the likes of Merseybeat and the riff is hypnotic.

Middle Of The Road even edges towards West Coast Country Rock. There's even a great closer in Turn Away which mixes Psych Pop and Britpop. Whilst Way Down comes up more 80s Guitar Dream Pop. Speed Of Light is a song that changes direction regularly, even adding a little Prog and Psych.

The riff on Another Getaway is Psych Pop joy, even trending towards Toytown instrumentally. No Reflection is a reminder of those great Pop Rock albums of the 70s, think Liverpool Express. Fate Came Knocking is very Psych Pop and mixes the two components of the genre equally well between verse. chorus and riff.

At times, the album sounds very Brit rather than Californian.  Phantom Idol is beautifully written, arranged and performed. Very gentle, particularly vocally, but backed up by instrumentals of the upmost quality and melody. Dream Phases are on a splendid journey. What a great album!

You can buy the CD on Kool Kat here. The album is available on Vinyl, Cassette and as a download. You can listen to and buy the album in those formats here.


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