Sunday 26 May 2024

Motorists - Touched By The Stuff


It is wonderful to finally see Motorists get the attention they deserve. Their second album was released on Friday and although Surrounded was a great album, this feels so much bigger, both in production and scope, it is absolutely killer stuff.

It is also notable that most of the great Guitar Pop albums of recent years seem to come from Canada. I don't know if there is something in the water over there, but band after band just keeps excelling and Touched By The Stuff may be the best of them yet.

If you want something that fits with the new breed of noisier Power Pop, it is here at times, but even more interesting are the diversions. Embers, for instance, is moody and magnificent, restrained yet contains an addictive Jangle Pop riff and a jaw dropping solo, it is superbly arranged.

Call Control mixes a Goth like Bunnymen riff with UK New Wave, yet Barking At The Gates dallies with UK Beat with Psych Pop Jangle. Whilst Decider and Forced Perspective land in the modern Power Pop era, Back To The Queue is pure UK New Wave turn of the 70s, catchy Post Punk if you like.

Sweet William is top notch Glasgow 80s Indie and the mesmerising closer is surprisingly Electro, almost as though it were played by a different band. But it will always be the experimental and left field song that interests me most. That is the magnificent L.O.W., one of the  most worthy things that you will hear this year or any year.

L.O.W. is all mesmerising riff and absolutely gobsmacking. This is an album that will be talked about in years to come. There is an admirable way in which songs are arranged and the angles that they come in at. The creativity is splendid. What a great album! What a great Trio!

You can listen to and buy the album here.


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