Sunday 26 May 2024

Sorry Monks - Wasting My Time EP


Sorry Monks offer up the second EP, again on the splendid Subjangle label, although in my mind six tracks constitutes a mini album. We covered the first EP, Girlfriend, here and Oliver Flanagan has come up trumps yet again.

No stranger to many, Flannagan's first started out as the Bass player in Channel Six, a band that supported The Strokes at their first London show and went on to form The Hey Lows. There is a real melodic gentleness in what Sorry Monks do that is just so endearing.

Some may call this Lo-Fi, but it feels more than that, it is all about atmosphere and vibe. Choruses are memorable and there are some surprisingly ace riffs that jump out at you unexpectedly. Wasting My Time is totally engaging.

It is also all encompassing, a little Gentle Psych Pop, some 80s Indie Pop, occasional Jangle Pop and even Acoustic Folk. Songs are built on the killer choruses and memorable riffs. Great Guitar Pop that fits in beautifully with the sort of music that we all adore.

You can listen to and buy the album here. It is available as a CD or download.


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