Sunday 26 May 2024

Nick Is 64


Nick Fletcher is 64 today and this is how he chooses to celebrate it. Is there any other way? I Don't Hear A Single is largely me, but there is no doubt that if it hadn't been for Anything Should Happen, it would never have happened.

Nick, Mick Dillingham and I were the trio that made ASH happen. It was different to IDHAS, specialising largely in deleted albums that should be remembered, but in the same sort of genres that are covered by here today. It was popular, but Private, a members only thing.

I learned everything there. What worked and what didn't, how to engage people and encourage and celebrate artists. Providing a stage for artists and fans and it also had a base for IDHAS, guaranteeing some followers when it started.

It also became the reason for I Don't Hear A Single. The reaction of music fans towards new music was very negative. It wasn't as good as in my day, all new music is crap, cover something popular etc that led to IDHAS being a reaction to that. I look at us now and blogs such as Add To Want List and see how wrong those people were.

I never expected here to grow as it has, nor be as influential and certainly not as busy. But there is no doubt that without Nick and Mick, it would never have been. Happy Birthday Nick! 64 is just the beginning.


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