Saturday 11 May 2024

The Resonars - Electricity Plus


It has been a while since we caught up with The Resonars and we apologise for being so remiss. Our last coverage was 2019's No Exit and that also featured in our Best 100 Albums Of The Year. Electricity Plus really rubs in what we've missed.

The band have an ability to switch between genres and sound at ease and that belittles their reputation as a Garage Psych band. Gold To Blue, for instance, is great 60s Pop Rock that is harmony led, a song that you can sing along to, but if you just want to dance that's fine.

Sure As Shooting is a great mix of Bubblegum and UK Beat with the Brass bursting to get out. Yet, Easy To Be Found is great Psych Pop. Longfellow Trees gets even more Psych Pop with a big foot in Toytown. I gladdens the heart of this old man with his fanboy delight for all things Toytown.

Youngest Child even sounds earlier 60s, vocally, it gets close to skiffle and has a marvellous twang to it. Little Grey Man is super way Medway Guitar Pop UK Beat at its very best.  Spidery Light sounds very early Bee Gees.

The album feels wonderfully 60s, more melodic Guitar Pop than I expected. The arrangements are beautifully put together and the big stand out are the vocal harmonies. The vibe may be retro, but the songs stand up by themselves.

I love how bits of Psych creep in unexpectedly, but this does feel like great Pop, expertly played and written. They don't feel like a band that comes from Tucson, more Californian or Kent at times. That Electricity Plus is a splendid album leaves no room for doubt.

You can listen to and buy the album here. The album is available on Vinyl or as a download.


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