Sunday 12 May 2024

The Embryos - Selling What You Want To Buy

As I mentioned in my review of The Embryos last album, National Absurdatory, the beauty of the band is the variety and that is largely because all four take lead vocal at various stages. You can read the IDHAS Review of that album here.

It's been three long years to reach this release and they have not lost their way around a melody. The arrangements have a knack of introducing something unexpected such as the spacey 80s keyboard run in Fortunes, which is essentially a great 70s Guitar Pop song.

Another example is the 80s groove of Little Demon which is interrupted by some stellar Psych Pop Guitar. But they can also do straight ahead. Frozen City is great Power Pop and I'm A Man is great late 60s UK Beat-ish Pop with a killer chorus.

Do The Donkey is a cross between 70s New Wave and early 60s dance along Rock And Roll. Desiree even gets a little Country, vocally and instrumentally.. The closer Onandonandon is a wonderful brooding affair in contrast to the jauntiness that surrounds it. It shows a completely different side to the Chicago Quartet and is a magnificent eight minutes.

The Embryos don't break out often, but when they do they are essential. The 80s Cars like The Embryos Live shows how well they do it and it is a companion to the excellent closer. Both are outstanding breakout moments.

But it shouldn't be forgotten how much fun the band create with the mellower Pop Rock that they provide. Two sides of the band are highlighted in. The melodic and harmonic craft and how ace they are when they move off their base. Splendid!

You can listen to and buy the album here. The CD is available on the Kool Kat label here.


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