Sunday 30 June 2024

Mark Bacino - Top Of The World


New York's Mark Bacino is back and he has lost none of his songwriting strength. Still very 60s Pop, but without the straight ahead banality that it can entail. Songs come from unusual angles, with surprise instrumentation and arrangements.

Melodic and extremely catchy, when he treads into the 70s, he becomes more arrangement focussed and that works just as well. That songwriting ability marks him out from peers, marrying beyond the norm lyrics with catch all choruses.

For instance Kaylee Hughes starts with something akin to the Minder Intro and heads straight in to 70s smooth Pop Rock. Yet, Flop Of The World is wonderful Trad Jazz. Shaky Hand is fine Piano Pop with a big orchestral arrangement.

Young Heart edges towards a gentle Power Pop whilst keeping a big foot in easy listening and Soft Rock. I Like Wearing Clothes is ragtime piano led whilst remaining jaunty and altogether now. Why Does This Woman Love Me? gets very Gilbert O' Sullivan.

There is such a with and depth in the lyrics that allows the songs to shine way above the tweeness that these genres can involve. Everything is beautifully arranged and performed and so damn happy sounding that you just can't help smiling.

I've said many times that it seems much easier to write sad songs, this sort of joy doesn't come easy. I'm particularly taken with the instrumental He Never Saw It Coming (Accidental Death Of A Clown) which even adds some rasping Electric Guitar. Top Of The World is splendidly upbeat.

You can listen to and buy the album here. It is available on Vinyl, CD and as a download.


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