Sunday 30 June 2024

Dan Miraldi - Ulysses


Dan Miraldi is also from New York, but very different to previously reviewed Marc Pacino. Miraldi is much rockier, landing somewhere between Indie Rock and Pop Rock gloriously with a big sound and even bigger choruses.

The space he inhabits allows him to appeal to those who say they don't like new music and those who lap it up. The sheer catchiness of the arrangements and the hooks allows him to move through genres. Power Pop is something he particularly excels at.


Internet Women is ace 60s Power Pop with steps towards Rock and Roll, yet Unfollow Me is more Classic Rock with its big rock riffs. Indie Film is a much moodier affair having more in common with more modern versions of Pop Rock, you can imagine The Killers covering it.

Existential Days is great jaunty Pop Rock. The verse sounds George Harrison as does the Guitar sound. Sublime Love slows things down into Ballad territory, it is moody and melancholic, but hypnotic. Your My Home is out on the porch excellence, Acoustic and built around a wonderful piano arrangement.

Ulysses opens the album and simply rocks your socks off and contrast that with the 60s UK Guitar Pop of Almost Sounds Sincere. All these songs show how easy Miraldi switches genres and decades effortlessly. There is even another Christmas song that I like which is becoming a sort of recent theme.

Christmas (I Think I'm Gonna Be Sad) is a big ace production and reveals that you can make a seasonal song that isn't banal tosh, just move away from the template. Ulysses is simply excellent Pop Rock, great arrangements, big memorable choruses and an album you can listen to from start to finish and then put on again.

You can listen to and buy the album here.


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