Sunday 30 June 2024

The Cruz & The Dukes Of Harlem - A Street Opera


Dutch five piece, The Cruz & The Dukes Of Harlem offer up a bombastic over the top treat. A big production akin with prime time Springsteen and Meatloaf instrumentally. A real Have A Good Time All Of The Time sort of thing.

Probably most will label this Classic Rock, but there is plenty of variety and the band have a Live Reputation second to none. 99 Beers And 65 Shots for instance heads into Rock And Roll Revue territory with the tongues firmly in cheek.

Jericho Farm certainly has a story to tell, although I'm not sure about the Liverpool bits being here on the ground if you like. The lighters out moment is I Drive All Night (For You) which is a big AOR Ballad, beautifully arranged and performed.

If You Want My Money (You Must Come And Get It) is the most Meatloaf with a great call and response chorus.The centrepiece is the epic Title Track at close to ten minutes with all its twists and turns. It is the type of song that you don't see much any more and its changes sweep through splendidly.

There is some great Bittan-esque piano on Stuck In Here which does sound very close to Springsteen's Jackson Cage at times. Bound For Glory is probably the song that will create most interest, very American, very AOR, very good!

As previously mentioned, A Street Opera is well over the top, but wonderfully so. With all the grief around at present, this escapism is a joyous listen. A chance to lose yourself in a fine album that will soon have you singing along.

You can listen to the album here. I will update the review when I have details of places to buy.


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