Thursday 4 July 2024

Shake Some Action - Trip To Yesterday EP


Great to have Seattle's Shake Some Action back in harness with their brand of 60s Guitar Pop that puts a more modern slant on the genre. You are always sure of great well arranged catchy songs and this EP is no different.

Whereas Rage Into The Daylight is very very 60s Beat Pop, it is so beautifully done that you just have to stand back and applaud. I Want You is driven by a great Bassline and although it is in similar territory, it also sounds more than a little Brit with hints of the likes of The Coral at times.

Doesn't Matter has some wonderful organ on it that just lights up the song and there is a Psych Pop feel at times that interrupts the beat. Can You Feel It straddles the genres most, at times it sounds like 80s Scouse Pop, at others more Brit Pop.

There is also a great closing instrumental run showing that James Hall's not stuck in one particular period. He wears his influences well without ever quite sounding like them and he certainly knows what a chorus is. Melodic joy assured and beautifully arranged.

You can listen to and buy the EP here.


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