Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Slow Motion Film - Eastman / Untitled # 1 EP


Slow Motion Film may not be a name familiar with you, but their past will be. Three quarters of the band are from Stourbridge's Amoeba Teen and that band was beloved here through many appearances on our old Radio Show and that wonderful self titled final album on Big Stir.

The album appeared in our Top 20 in the 100 Best Albums of 2022. The review is here. The album was a real Pop Rock favourite of followers and indeed remains so. The trio follow a slightly different direction, but signs of Amoeba Teen are still there.

This is most notable on The Ba Ba Ba song which has all the Guitar Pop characteristics of their ex band. Be The One also isn't a million miles away, but more rocked up in an 80s Indie sort of way. Both songs work really well, revealing a moving on, but without losing those pop sensabilities. 

It is the other two songs that show the most marked movement. Painting Tattoos is much slower and after beginning life with an ambient soundscape, it still contains some of that. But the Indie Rock envelops a really effective counterbalance and is built on a cracking riff.

How Now (Baby Blue) sounds much more American, West Coast almost. It also could be a slightly mellower Crazy Horse at times with a slightly Country Rock twang to the solo. Different to what has gone before, far more Rock, but underling how varied the trio are now.

This is a great debut EP and a second is currently being recorded. The variety is most welcome and may help a much wider audience to appreciate the talents of these three. Normally, when a key member leaves, the impact lessens, however here the signs are that Slow Motion Film may prove even bigger.

You can listen to and buy the EP here. With Be The One appearing on this week's Listening To This Week, I've gone for embedding the other three songs.


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