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Friday 12 July 2024

Laughing - Because It's True


There's been a building clamour for the release of Laughing's debut album. Bits that have been around have only added to the excitement. Canada has been the centre of intelligent Indie Guitar Pop for the past couple of years and now we have an Indie Supergroup.

The four voices meld and match so admirably and the different backgrounds allowing genres and boundaries to criss cross and what a mixture it is. The pedigree and vibe on show meant that there had to be a song ready for a Teenage Fanclub comparison and Bruised is just that.

Will She Ever Be A Friend Of Mine mixes Big Star with The Move and rolls the song into classic Gravitas Pop. It is an absolute joy of a song. Glue is great West Coast Rock with a dash of both Country and Classic Rock, a little Exile On Main Street even instrumentally.

Sour Note is classic 70s Pop Rock tinted with Country and Jangle, a real travelling band, all together now sort of thing. Garden Path even gets into Crazy Horse territory and Narcissist Blues is an object lesson in how to write a melodic rock song, all riff and harmony.

Pebble even dares to edge into Country Rock and adds a Rock out solo and the only word to describe Secret is beautiful. Because It's True may be a debut album, but it sounds more like a Classic one. The instrument box is raided, but used tastefully.

It is very rare that an Indie album that had built up a fair bit of hype actually delivers as well as this. Beautifully played, arranged and produced, this allows the songs to stand out revealing the talents of the four and allowing different directions to be taken. Wonderful!


You can listen to and buy the album here.


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