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Tuesday 17 September 2024

Ell Freeman - A Hard Place


Sometimes, in fact too many, I look at how regional the UK has become and despair. I see and hear what is happening in the States, Australia and Europe, I despair for us here in Brexitland, so when you hear something refreshingly great, you should hold and treasure it.

London's Ell Freeman is such an example. His debut EP, pushes all the right buttons and thankfully isn't another version of the same thing. The EP is also another example of how the Listening To This Week Playlist is opening up the longer player releases. It was what we always wanted to achieve, but it has took a while to get there.

A Har Place opens up with a big slab of UK New Wave in Cold Shoulder. It is a cracking melodic shake your fist sort of thing that owes just as much to the Classic Rock of the 70s. Uptight goes one step further with big Glam Rock overtones.

Even when the pace. is slowed down a little on Middle Finger Moments, the song can't help bursting out. The whole EP is built on big choruses, riffs and unexpected directions. This particular song, jangles a bit, but also steps into Psych Pop instrumentally.

Music Only Knows closes the album with a more Acoustic gentleness, but also contains a magnificent Verden Allen like Organ run. A Hard Place is beautifully performed and arranged, really really listenable. I just can't wait for more.

You can listen to and buy the EP here. I say EP, but there are almost 24 minutes of music here, so this is more of a mini album. You can find out more about Ell Freeman here.


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