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Tuesday 11 June 2024

Custard Flux - Einsteinium Delirium


Custard Flux's first four albums were heavily acoustic, played largely on nostalgic equipment. That did not stop them rocking, but for Einsteinium Delerium, Guitars are fully plugged in and I can think of no better artist in this situation.

As part of a quartet with added Mellotron from Andy Thompson, Curvey is on fire as Custard Flux unleash sheer magnificence. Still somewhere between Psych and Prog, the album is awash with melody and choruses that at times get nearer to Pop Rock.

This is a lesson for those who think Prog is just pretentiousness and Psych too way out, Custard Flux are here to make you see how joyous and accessible both can be. The album feels more joined up than ever, indeed Einsteinium Delirium could easily be thought has one complete piece.

The rhythm section are absolutely locked, which allows the riffs to take over your head and those riffs lead to spellbinding solo. Although, there are great moments of Psych, particularly the magnificent Open Wide, this feels more and more like a Modern Prog album.

The focal point of this Progressive fest is the mellotron heavy Fat Man's 8 minutes of melancholic moodiness that closes the album. It is the one time that you think of 70s Prog. The Guitar lines here at times lend themselves to Art Rock, Alt Rock and more commercial directions.

There are also great lighter moments where the arrangements are even more accessible, songs like Burning In The Sun and Right Now Here In Time and the poptastic chorus of Valentine. Curvey's vocal is still very Gabriel, but that softens the material too. Custard Flux could yet bring the complex to the masses. Here's hoping!

You can listen to and buy the album here. It is available on Vinyl, CD and as a download.



  1. This is quite good in an ambitous sort of way. Gets better with each spin. With the Kelley Stoltz and this nobody should be saying there isn't anything new. Both fabulous!

    1. Thank you! I’m glad you like the music.
      - Curvey
