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Thursday 6 June 2024

Gramercy Arms - The Making Of The Making Of


As you'll have noticed, June has so far has had the Reviews coming in thick and fast as we try to catch up on the ones we are behind on. This was intended to be reviewed over a month ago, but the sheer volume that have come in as meant delays that hopefully we can rectify over this month.

Dave Derby's New York Collective follows up last years excellent Deleted Scenes album. Indeed, most of this follow up was recorded during the same sessions. It would be unfair to judge it as the Outtakes album,  Derby suggests it is like the B Sides album, as it stands up more than well with its relation.

Gramercy Arms are never gonna blow the windows out, but this does feel a little gentler, certainly more collective, as though songs were recorded on one or two takes and that gives it a special groove. There is even extra points for a splendid cover of our beloved The Loud Family's Don't Respond, She Can Tell.

It may be on the gentler side, but The Making Of The Making Of still wanders across genres. After The After Party may be the best example of this. It is a real jaunty affair that sounds like a Jangled up Del Amitri at time.

Pilot Light even heads right into the world of Power Pop and excels at it. Lux is a groove laden 70s all together now sort of thing, whilst Alaska drops somewhere between Wilco and Dropkick. The Title Track is primetime first half of the 70s with a wonderful arrangement and an ace Guitar solo.

There is even an Acoustic Version of Deleted Scenes's Never Say Anything that goes full on Americana, Country even, a truly wonderful alternate version. No one should think of this as the Bastard Son of a great album, it should be treated as a fine offering in its own right.

You can listen to and buy the album here. The album is available on Vinyl or as a download.



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