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Thursday 17 August 2023

Tamar Berk - tiny injuries


Have you got a minute to talk about Tamar Berk? She came out of the Indie Alt Rock scene, a million miles from what she specialises in solo wise. Her previous two albums have both mithered the top echelons of the I Don't Hear A Single Best Albums Of The Year.

You can read those reviews here and here. I noted in the review of the second album, Start At The End, how hard it would be following that magnificent debut album, yet Berk cleared that high obstacle with ease, so then the pressure of the next album is largely from the strength of the first two.

Berk has a mastery of genres and styles and that is revealed here in spades. If anyone had any doubts about a difficult third album, they were put on the back burner when the second single, If U Know, You Know is here in all its glory and could very well be listening to the best song that you will hear this year. 

It's jaunty chorus is a delight, but the verse is particularly special, written and performed in a similar style to Bird Streets with its use of words that allow you to know what the artist is trying to convey straight away. It also sets a marker for the rest of the album.

The difference you notice across tiny injuries is how New Wave Guitar Pop certain songs sound. Sunday Driving is another crackerjack of a song, sounding like Sheryl Crow fronting a crack Power Pop band. Walking Hurricane even goes a little Chrissie Hynde and has some wonderful organ riffs and develops into The Bangles as it progresses.

Berk is never going to raise her voice, she doesn't need to, yet her voice can take on any direction. There is also a delicateness in that voice that does aching magnificently. Till U Get Home is an Americana example of this, just as What's Become Of Me, My Friend? is singer songwriter melancholy. 

I Was Saved By The Beauty In The World is Tori Amos like Piano Pop, another incredibly moving song. Gonna Call It is a rare example of attitude, again expertly done, with a big angry chorus. That chorus is not too far away from Alanis Morrissette.

Wonderfully arranged and written songs with a lyrical adeptness match that wonderful voice that she has. tiny injuries is an absolutely storming album. No doubt about the Best Of Year again, but it is going to have to be some album to stop it actually being The Album Of The Year.

You can listen to and buy the album here on Vinyl, CD or as a download.


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