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Thursday 30 May 2024

Polite Company - Please Go Wild


Living in London, but hailing from New Zealand, Alan Gregg is back. The ex Mutton Bird and Marshmallow songster knows his way round a song and his new moniker, Polite Company is superb Pop Rock, the type we know and love.

This is extremely jaunty Pop of the highest order, very 70s at times, but also in kilter with the likes Nick Hayward, Pugwash and any of the better Cali Pop merchants that you wish to mention. Piano led at times, but with big dashes of Brass.

That Brass lights up the album, particularly on the likes of Perfectly Good Explanation when it turns Tijuana. But the variety doesn't end there. New Yacht is Bossa Nova, Shrinking Violet mixes US easy Listening with 60s Gentle Psych Pop verging on Toytown.

Empty Beach mixes Piano Pop with a wonderful Jangle and Buzz Me In is a wonderfully melodic ballad. There is great wit in the writing as demonstrated in the song titles. That humour is enhanced by the adeptness that Gregg has a real lyrical adeptness.

Otis Mace Guitar Ace is a sort of Countrified Horace Wimp and Second Chance Charity Store is another storytelling joy. Tell Me When It's Time is a little Gilbert O'Sullivan and a lot Nick Frater with additional wonderful Lap Steel.

Circulation is a belter of an opener, jauntiness at its finest. At times the whole album sounds a bit Lilac Time popped up even further. The album is splendid gentle Pop, arranged and performed to perfection. Totally engaging, utterly listenable, what a great understated feel good thing this is.

You can listen to and buy the album here. It is available on Vinyl, CD and as a download.


Stargazy Pie - Pacific Northwestitis


Tacoma's Stargazy Pie will certainly grab your attention, yet they are a little different to the bands that you see and hear here. What they do is a little Over The Top, somewhere between Queen and Foxy Shazam, with the shredding like a poppier Muse.

Yet they have enough to stay in touch with Power Pop and Pop Punk. Even a straight ahead song like Time Bomb can't hold back from Guitar overload, a sort of restrained shred. It is incredibly melodic, yet a little pompous as default.

Hold You is even a ballad, an acoustic ballad! People Suck! starts all lounge singer before bursting into an altogether now with a little Justin Hawkins highness vocally. I'm So Screwed edges towards Power Pop in a Tsar way. It is certainly a song that you can imagine Jeff Whalen singing. 

The Title Track adds great pace, a little Busted, but instrumentally more Pop Punk and reveals a lyrical adeptness and a crazy drum track. Song Of Solomon is built on a cracking Bassline. It is part Chilli Peepers instrumentally, but Fountains Of Wayne vocally.

Then there is Doritos Locos Tacos Supreme, all five minutes of attitude and melody, that is very Punk Pop and Emo, but with a catch all chorus and a Bass vs Shred battle before a glorious solo. It is lovely to see Youth not taking the obvious generation.

The album seems a little bit over produced compared to Butterfly Hand Grenade, perhaps a little too many ideas in certain songs. but the album's sheer audacity really grabs you, as does the urgency. I'm surprised not to see more coverage of the quartet media wise, that should really change with this outing.

You can listen to and buy the album here.


Tuesday 28 May 2024

Michael Slawter - The Plastic Years


It is great to have Winston-Salem's Michael Slawter back and the explanation why is quickly explained on the opener here, I Got Lost. It has everything that you might want in a song. Opening with a sort of 70s UK Beat Pop, it changes constantly with its New Wave vibe. There is even an ace Psych Pop solo, as if to fully please me.

Little Mind goes the whole Psych Pop hog, certainly instrumentally, yet it also heads into the melodic Indie Rock of the early 80s. Emily Cries also mixes directions with ease, at times early Syd Barrett, yet also a hint of Gilbert O'Sullivan. Instrumentally though, it is based around a wonderful dream like riff, restrained yet hypnotic.

It takes a special kind of talent to mix the genres so effectively, without ever losing the Guitar Pop feel. When the pace slows, the album is just as good. Down To Witness is wonderful gentle Jangle Pop, beautifully sung, a little Dream Pop.

Tie A Ring is great Pop Rock, beautifully constructed, mellow but interesting, again built on a cracking arrangement. It even has a little hint of Prog. Never Win runs Little Mind as the stand out, but is very different, a little more acoustic, a bit more jaunty and incredibly catchy with a killer solo.

My one complaint would be that we don't hear enough of Slawter. His Guitar Shop, Heyday Guitars, obviously takes up a lot of his time. It is a shame, because the world needs more of this intelligent melodic Pop Rock, The Plastic Years simply underlines this.

You can listen to and buy the album here.


Faulty Cognitions - Somehow, Here We Are


Over to San Antonio Texas for an album that will wake you from your slumbers. There is a splendid urgency and pace at times from the quartet without ever getting aggressive nor losing the melody,  the songs are anthemic and built on big riffs.

There is no doubt that Somehow, Here We Are is noisier than what we normally cover, but it is focussed noise, incredibly catchy and although there are Punkier elements, it is certainly never shouty, more all together now fist shaking.

Indeed, people aware of Chris Mason's background will kinda know what to expect, although Faulty Cognitions seems that bit more melodic, like a rockier Indie Rock, often a Motorhead lite, but yet equally Mats, particularly songs like Let The Kids Have The Scene.

Center Of The Universe even gets to the edges of Pop Rock, only for the likes of Tired Of It and Las Cruces to rattle your teeth. However, Sun Sun Go Away opens the album with a killer Indie Alt Riff on a killer song. The band do not come up for air across all 12 songs, thankfully, allowing you shake your fist until your heart is content.

You can listen to and buy the album here. It is available on Vinyl and as a download.


Local Drags - City In A Room


We've covered Local Drags quite extensively and what seemed like Lanny Durbin's side project initially has now taken on a life of its own. Last year's Mess Of Everything waltzed into our Best Albums Of 2023, more than deservedly so. You can read the review here.

The great Power Pop is still here, but City In A Room feels a more personal reflective affair. It is a little more restrained and laidback at times and this allows the songs to breath. The album seems more heartfelt, certainly mellower and songs are more led by vibe than chiming guitars.

There is a healthy Jangle at times, less AOR leaning and more groove. Yer Anchor even sounds a little country and the killer almost weeping solo on Solid State has more in common with 70s Pop Rock than the three chord delights.

Indeed, there is a Tom Petty vibe at times, not necessarily vocally, but certainly instrumentally. Arrangements are all encompassing more held back Rock than Guitar Pop. Never more so, on the magnificent Don't You Think.

There is more than a hint of melancholia here and repeated listens reveal the influence of Americana and even Country Rock. Durbin's gentle melodic vocal suits the material perfectly. You can still hear the Pop Rock, but it is more in the background.

This is less Tommy Keene like than previous, but the closer, Yours If You Want certainly revels in that territory to underline how great at Power Pop, Durbin is. City In A Room sounds like a more grown up album and may bring an even wider audience, it certainly deserves to.  A special mention should also be given to the growing reputation of the splendid Stardumb Records label.

You can listen to and buy the album here.  You can buy the album on Vinyl or CD from Stardumb Records here. The Vinyl is also available in the States from The Machine Shop here.


Monday 27 May 2024

Listening To This Week Playlist

28 songs this week on a playlist that seems even more varied than the norm. The great new music that you expect with one or two surprises. There is no song preference in track order, just what we think flows.  I do hope that you can listen to all the songs across this week. The last listed is as great as the first and you have plenty of time to listen. 

This weekly playlist is solely for submissions, not the usual stuff that we dig out ourselves. All embeds open in new windows to aid scrolling. Links to the artists will also appear on I Don't Hear A Single Social Media sites over the next 24 hours. This will help you to discover more about the artists who appear here. 
Thank you for supporting the new music from Indie artists.

Big Troppy - Neighbours 

Ryan Wayne - Ready My Love

Barking Poets - Getting Away With It

Smug Brothers - Javelina Nowhere

Brother Dynamite - What Are You Waiting For?

The Housing Crisis - Routine Breaker

Nihiloceros - Krong

Safari Inn - Can You Live With It?

Moon Under Water - Greene Around The Gills

The Tarrows - Gunfighter

Buck The Taxidermist - HOLY MOLY

Delta Wave - Rise & Fall

Super Glue Anxiety - Dead Witch

Barbara - Grandad

Carrying Torches - All For Nothing

Soft No - Take Your Word

Transit Cop - He Brings Trouble

Bug Seance - Wavering

Midnight Ambulance - Alice

Radegunds - Rigged To Blow

Brian Michael Henry - I Don't Really Love You When You Cry

La Vivas - Coming on Strong

New Age Healers - Radiate

Brian Karrot - No Better Way

Yogamum - Jordan Peterson Blues

Javii - PTSD

John Markowski - Some Wild Dreams

The Hollow Frays - Cloudburst


Sunday 26 May 2024

Motorists - Touched By The Stuff


It is wonderful to finally see Motorists get the attention they deserve. Their second album was released on Friday and although Surrounded was a great album, this feels so much bigger, both in production and scope, it is absolutely killer stuff.

It is also notable that most of the great Guitar Pop albums of recent years seem to come from Canada. I don't know if there is something in the water over there, but band after band just keeps excelling and Touched By The Stuff may be the best of them yet.

If you want something that fits with the new breed of noisier Power Pop, it is here at times, but even more interesting are the diversions. Embers, for instance, is moody and magnificent, restrained yet contains an addictive Jangle Pop riff and a jaw dropping solo, it is superbly arranged.

Call Control mixes a Goth like Bunnymen riff with UK New Wave, yet Barking At The Gates dallies with UK Beat with Psych Pop Jangle. Whilst Decider and Forced Perspective land in the modern Power Pop era, Back To The Queue is pure UK New Wave turn of the 70s, catchy Post Punk if you like.

Sweet William is top notch Glasgow 80s Indie and the mesmerising closer is surprisingly Electro, almost as though it were played by a different band. But it will always be the experimental and left field song that interests me most. That is the magnificent L.O.W., one of the  most worthy things that you will hear this year or any year.

L.O.W. is all mesmerising riff and absolutely gobsmacking. This is an album that will be talked about in years to come. There is an admirable way in which songs are arranged and the angles that they come in at. The creativity is splendid. What a great album! What a great Trio!

You can listen to and buy the album here.


Sorry Monks - Wasting My Time EP


Sorry Monks offer up the second EP, again on the splendid Subjangle label, although in my mind six tracks constitutes a mini album. We covered the first EP, Girlfriend, here and Oliver Flanagan has come up trumps yet again.

No stranger to many, Flannagan's first started out as the Bass player in Channel Six, a band that supported The Strokes at their first London show and went on to form The Hey Lows. There is a real melodic gentleness in what Sorry Monks do that is just so endearing.

Some may call this Lo-Fi, but it feels more than that, it is all about atmosphere and vibe. Choruses are memorable and there are some surprisingly ace riffs that jump out at you unexpectedly. Wasting My Time is totally engaging.

It is also all encompassing, a little Gentle Psych Pop, some 80s Indie Pop, occasional Jangle Pop and even Acoustic Folk. Songs are built on the killer choruses and memorable riffs. Great Guitar Pop that fits in beautifully with the sort of music that we all adore.

You can listen to and buy the album here. It is available as a CD or download.


Nick Is 64


Nick Fletcher is 64 today and this is how he chooses to celebrate it. Is there any other way? I Don't Hear A Single is largely me, but there is no doubt that if it hadn't been for Anything Should Happen, it would never have happened.

Nick, Mick Dillingham and I were the trio that made ASH happen. It was different to IDHAS, specialising largely in deleted albums that should be remembered, but in the same sort of genres that are covered by here today. It was popular, but Private, a members only thing.

I learned everything there. What worked and what didn't, how to engage people and encourage and celebrate artists. Providing a stage for artists and fans and it also had a base for IDHAS, guaranteeing some followers when it started.

It also became the reason for I Don't Hear A Single. The reaction of music fans towards new music was very negative. It wasn't as good as in my day, all new music is crap, cover something popular etc that led to IDHAS being a reaction to that. I look at us now and blogs such as Add To Want List and see how wrong those people were.

I never expected here to grow as it has, nor be as influential and certainly not as busy. But there is no doubt that without Nick and Mick, it would never have been. Happy Birthday Nick! 64 is just the beginning.


Thursday 23 May 2024

Broken Gold - Wild Eyes


Wild Eyes is a great Rock album, built on a riff and solo looseness that edges between Pop Rock, Indie Rock and Classic Rock. It is a surprisingly laidback affair at times, songs built on a groove, that is nothing like Ian MacDougall's background.

Known more as a Punk sideman or for as guitarist in Riverboat Gamblers and five year spell in Band Of Horses. Those who know of his long history would not have expected an album such as this, it is so damn listenable.

It is an album that engages with some blasting melodic Guitar Runs. It crosses genres, equally Classic Rock, Indie Rock, Southern Rock, even Country Rock, yet still has a charming laidback feel that is part Indie 80s and College 90s.

McDougall is not a natural vocalist, but does an incredibly great job and his voice suits the instrumental atmospheric nature of the arrangements. What may appear one take doesn't do credit to the arrangements. They may appear to be a bit jam like, but they just completely hook you.

Broken Gold are about the band and the locked together nature of the songs. You just become completely hooked in the soundscape. These songs are really well put together and arranged and the playing is exemplary. With that in mind, it is hard to choose individual songs as all are equal to each other.

This is a proper album to be listened to from start to finish and then it ends too soon. Special mention has to be given to the wonderful Little One. A song that sounds UK Glam, yet 80s Rock and 90s College Indie Rock. It is a cracking song on a cracking album.

You can listen to and buy the album here


ahem - Avoider

ahem's second album follows five years after their debut album, Try Again. Great though that debut was, Avoider feels that bit more fully formed, more focussed maybe and this allows the Minneapolis Trio to reveal exactly what they are about.

The band really fit in with the new breed of noisier looser Power Pop. in fact you might even say that they are the elders of this implosion. The basic template is up and at 'em, but the male / female vocals contrast allows great variation and provides a softer feel at times.

Although, it is a lazy comparison, there is more than a little latter day Replacements to them, but there are also hints of the Indie 80s Glasgow about them. They can also get Angular and yet they can really let rip. Followers here will also note some classic Power Pop creeping in.

Pressed Flowers is a great example of this, a sort of College Indie 90s Guitar version of the genre, yet Sunroof is more classic Power Pop, yet even sounds like something Lindsey Buckingham would come up with. Contrast this with Old Hell with its fuzzed up noise pop that gets close instrumentally to the Jesus And Mary Chain. It explodes!

The opener, Lapdog, bursts out and lets you know just how up and at 'em the trio can be, yet Lost And Found is all riff and gentle, almost 70s Pop Rock or even 80s Anthem Indie. Waterlogged even mixes both, all angular on the verse and rocked up Mats on the chorus.

Avoider is an album that says what it wants to say and then moves on. 10 songs in about 25 minutes that gets off and leaves you wanting more. There is also a banker anthem in Leap Year, which may fast become one of the songs of the year. An outstanding offering!

You can listen to and buy the album here.  It is available on Vinyl or as a download.


Monday 20 May 2024

Listening To This Week Playlist

After only posting 25 songs last week, this week brings a record 34 songs. We don't usually like to go above 30 and thought of doing a LTTW Part 1 and 2 this time. But, it was thought that might dilute the effect and lead to one part not getting the attention it deserved.

The volume was largely due to the amount of songs that had a Friday release, songs that had been waiting for up to a month for the release date. We never post anything prior to release. The hope is that you will listen to all with having a week to do so.

There is no song preference in track order, just what we think flows.  I do hope that you can listen to all the songs across this week. The last listed is as great as the first and you have plenty of time to listen. This weekly playlist is solely for submissions, not the usual stuff that we dig out ourselves.

All embeds open in new windows to aid scrolling. Links to the artists will also appear on I Don't Hear A Single Social Media sites over the next 24 hours. This will help you to discover more about the artists who appear here. Thank you for supporting the new music from Indie artists.

Reader - Farm To Table

CHAFT - High

Sorry Monks - Wasting My Time

Expected Highs - Creepers

Electric Pets - Out Of Nowhere


Twenty Night - Truth

In-Sides - Old Soul

The Willful Deaf - End Of The Sun

Thunder Boys - Leak In The Dreamworld

The Garment District - The Starfish Song

Jacob And The Starry Eyed Shadows - The Old Times

Vicky Von Vicky - Freak Me Out

Icarus Phoenix - Agradecido

Jay Sprouse - Innocent Harmony (Take Me Away)

Mike Repic - Alive

Lee Black - Pay Me Back

Club Kuru - Before The World

Mansfield - Let's Stop Pretending

Silk Cut - Anywhere We Can Drive

The Jetglows - Bad Me

Nihiloceros - Penguin Wings

Reckless Coast - Runnin'

Grand Reply - So Genevieve!

Gene Spaatz - Nobody Knows

The Cruz & The Dukes of Harlem - 99 Beers & 65 Shots

mall goth - Toy Trucks

The Fades - Looking For Keanu

Martial Arts - Defector

PJ Ferguson & The Tennessee Strange - I'll Be Me

OWF - Raffaella For Joni M

The Bohemes - Weekend Wasteland

Christina's Trip - My Friend

Estimates - Let The Sun Come In


Sunday 19 May 2024

Here Is The News


Nada Surf - Moon Mirror

A new Nada Surf is something to celebrate and of course we will do just that.  Moon Mirror is released on 13 September and is available on Vinyl, CD and as a download. The Vinyl and CD releases have a bonus 11 Track Demo Disc included. You can Pre-order the album here.

A new single, In Front Of Me Now, has been released from the album and you can listen to that below and buy it for just 1 dollar here.

Bottlecap Mountain - Electric Love Spree

Austin Texas's Bottlecap Mountain return with their 7th album on 4 June and the band are long term favourites of ours. We have reviewed the last 3 albums and this will be the fourth. They mix what's essentially Indie Pop Rock into all sorts of directions. A great example is the new single below.

You can pre-order the album here and buy the single, Freedom! 24 here.

Quivers - Oyster Cuts

Melbourne's Quivers's last album, Golden Doubt, was No 21 in our Best 100 Albums Of 2021. You can read the review here. The new album is released on 9 August on Merge Records. The band offer up beautifully written, arranged and performed Indie Pop, but are not afraid to spread into other areas.

The real strength is the vocals, all four sing and this leads to jaw dropping vocal harmonies on songs that are not your everyday affairs. You can pre-order the album on Vinyl, CD or as a download here. There are some great variations. It is worth noting that some prices are in US dollars, others in Australian dollars.

The first track from the album, Apparition, can be bought for 1$ here. You can also listen to it below.

Dropkick - Dot The I Expanded Version

Scotland's finest have being zipping up their boots and going back to their roots. Following on from the Expanded Version of Patchwork, 2008's Dot The I gets similar treatment with a release on 21 June. 14 Bonus Tracks (count 'em) are added in what is the first physical release of the album for 16 years. 2008 was the most prolific time for the band's recordings.

Dropkick are one of those bands that get many comparisons in reviews of others, maybe second only to Teenage Fanclub maybe in that department. Their blend of great Pop Rock that leans towards both America and the more recent Scottish scene. Often compared to Crowded House and long term favourites here.

You can order the CD and the download here. My favourite track from the album is below.

Nick Piunti & The Complicated Men - Bottle It

I was only thinking of Nick Piunti when reviewing the new Extra Arms album, which has been really popular on here. I do feel that Ryan Allen's lot have got nearer to what Piunti is noted for lately. Lo and behold, Ryan adds backing vocals to the new Nick Piunti single.

It really is great to have Piunti back, you forget how much you miss his melodic Pop Rock built on big choruses and tasty riffs and this is a fantastic reminder of how damn catchy his songs are. You can buy the song here and listen to it below.

Charming Arson - Saving Chelsea

One of the unexpected delights of Listening To This Week has been adding a younger audience to what we cover and in turn discovering new artists. Maybe the best example id Boston's Charming Arson, a band who perhaps a little rockier than normal.

They have a new single out and it is a cracker. Saving Chelsea can be bought for 1$ here. Trust me, this lot are going places. You can listen to the single below.

Pantomime Horses - Forever Polyester

I've been fortunate to have the album for a while and have been dying to tell you all about it. That will come as a review when the album is released on the 31 May. I have bored people rigid telling people face to face and on the phone etc, remember kids you can still do this, rather then pretend you've got loads of mates because of Facebook.

People who have heard the singles thus far, compare the Portsmouth Trio to Elbow, which I don't really see. There isn't the big arrangements and the album is far more lyrically adept. It reminds me at times of the intelligent Indie of the 80s and even our beloved Derrero and you know how much we adore the Welsh wonders.

The album will appear here. But, you can listen to the singles off it thus far there. I've just Lily Molita from those singles but any of the three suffice. The trio says that the album is just about tying up loose ends. Here's hoping that there is more to come than this gem.

Finally, a reminder that Here Is The News will now become a fortnightly thing, but it will contain up to a dozen articles. I simply just can't fit in a weekly edition with everything else that goes on around IDHAS.


Friday 17 May 2024

The Blackburns - The Blackburns


Sometimes, the best bands aren't necessarily planned. I remember talking to Matt Julian in the early days about The Speedways and the project wasn't planned to go further than the one album to get it out of his system. Public and Listeners reactions meant it grew and grew to something more established.

I suspect that Philadelphia's The Blackburns. The collaboration between Joel Tannenbaum and Nick Palmer was only planned as few demos to see if it worked. Like Julian, both had great reputations with their own work and both self and listener reaction has led to their debut album.

The Blackburns will be thought of as new out of the blocks, but the history and experience has led to an absolute crackerjack of an album. Guitar Pop at its finest at heart, but with an ability and wish to go in any direction they wish.

This waywardness is the strength of the album. Songs are beautifully performed, arranged and played, so why should stick to one template. At times, the band sound a little 80s, but they also sound very college 90s. They can be Power Pop, but easily turn to something that is a bit Lindsey Buckingham. 

One minute they are a bit slacker, others a bit Husker Du and at other times New Wave or UK Indie 80s. Having so much to aim at, only adds to the effect. Songs are built on killer riffs, memorable hooks and big choruses, no matter where they are heading. 

More importantly, the vibe is chipper, a welcome relief to the amount of woe is me that is around. Suburban Bus is wonderful 80s UK melodic Indie, yet Time Turns Around is almost Fleetwood Mac with hints of Tom Petty.

Southern Chester County is like a scuzzy version of The Speedways, Stars:Someday has a verse vocal that could be Paul Simon with a Rock out interlude, yet Drama Club is straight up simple New Wave, all attitude. Hooks has to be mentioned, possibly one of the singles of the year, very 70s. 10 Songs are here, each as good as the other, yet each engages you differently. Superb.

You can listen to and buy the album here.


Vegas With Randolph - The Future Store


It really doesn't seem that long. but it's five and a half years since the last Vegas With Randolph album, Legs With Luggage. That album featured in the Top 20 in our Best 100 Albums Of 2018 and I've been a long term fan, well before IDJAS was launched to the world. Reviews started way back in our Anything Should Happen days.

The band specialise in a brand Of Pop Rock that is both melodic and harmonic. At times, it can feel a little AOR, but at others there is a crunch and when they do Rock, they can really let go with a multi guitar assault. The odd time they go Soft, which they thrive at too, but it is less frequent.

Having two writers in John Ratts and Eric Kern adds to variety as they sing their own songs and the vocals are very different allowing great Power Pop from one and a more harmonised Pop Rock from the other. That's more a guide as both cross over into other genres. 

Songs like Lake Paradise, N.S.A. and Show Me How are Power Pop Of The Highest Order, a field that the band master at will. The delight here is that they can stretch out, never more so than the duet with Honeychain's Hillary Burton which is great rocked up UK New Wave

The band excel when they raise the volume, Howl At The Moon bristles with intense Guitar Runs and yet there is also the softer Guitar Pop of Shake The Cage which has a joined string to earlier work. The jaunty Pop and hand claps of I'll Be Waiting For You which heads into Squeeze territory. 

Vegas With Randolph do love a medley or Triple Play as they call it. Here it is extended with 7 songs in 10 minutes, the sort of thing that City Boy used to do. Combined it is wonderful in its scope, however, it doesn't quite work listening to the tracks individually due to the brevity of some. 

Fortunately, the Bandcamp download allows you to listen to the complete thing in one listen and you can hear the whole thing in one uninterupted go which reveals how great a piece it is with its twists and turns. The album feels a little looser than previous work and the songs more about relationships than worthy causes. This simpler aim works splendidly to offer up a storming album.

You can listen to and buy the album here.


Pretty Good Sofa - Couch Thoughts


Another album that I've been waiting to tell you about is Couch Thoughts. Lucas Pipola is from Melbourne and he has fashioned an album of great Psych Pop that lands somewhere between Psych, Brit Pop and Indie Rock.

It is incredibly melodic and crosses more genres than you might think. Elaine for instance is pure gentle melodic Classic Rock. Songs are built around a soundscape of sorts, a little early Tame Impala, before that got all everyday boring lowest common denominator.

Can You See Us is a great example of this comparison, a sound that completely washes over you beautifully. That feel is also a part of Inside Conscious Mind, but this time the Psych Pop is much more prominent. Wonderfully so.

Sleeping Through A Dream is much more about the Vocal Harmony, at times sounding like great 70s Pop Rock. Yet, Are You Lost gets slightly heavier with its Guitar Riff and Fuzz becoming more Brit Pop and even coming close to the new breed of Guitar Pop.

What A Mess is a little spacey, yet still riff driven and the stand out is probably Dr Mordite which builds from its gentle start into great Psych Pop and even getting a little Space Rock. Couch Thoughts is a lot of about the vibe and the feel, but it is incredibly well put together.

You can listen to the album here and also listen and buy here.


Monday 13 May 2024

Listening To This Week Playlist

25 songs this week to get your ears smiling and your toes tapping.There is no song preference in track order, just what we think flows.  I do hope that you can listen to all the songs across this week. The last listed is as great as the first and you have all week to listen. This weekly playlist is solely for submissions, not the usual stuff that we dig out ourselves.

All embeds open in new windows to aid scrolling. Links to the artists will also appear on I Don't Hear A Single Social Media sites over the next 24 hours. This will help you to discover more about the artists who appear here. Thank you for supporting the new music from Indie artists.

Esso - Starting Over

Captain Wilberforce - Holding On

You Filthy Dog - Sakamoto

Winchester 7 & The Runners - Dreaming In Colour

Shirley & The Pyramids - Worlds Apart

Jeff Vidov - Oh mi da dey di

Laughing - Bruised

Strange Neighbors - Tell All Your Friends

Automatics - Sunny Skies Forever

Eric St-Cyr - Neon Secrets Neon Secrets 

The Peawees - Plastic Bullets

Tony Billings - Dear Isaac

Steel Cut Oats - Waiting For You

Contra - Washington

Seadog - Tied To A Mast

The Stone Souls - No Sense Of Time (It's Alright)

Wes Anderson - Glory Daze (feat. Nick Thompson)

Polyglam - Pleasure

Restless Leg - Stay Gold

John Markowski - Little Pink Trailer

Tigerblind - Fall For No Reason

Ryan Wayne - No Easy Way Out

Tetherball - America

CHASE. - Cycle

June Rosewell - The Contortionist
