The most frustrating thing for artists is submitting songs or albums and getting constant replies about how their song is great, but doesn't fit the site / station. Some of this can be avoided by not using a scattergun approach when this reply becomes more obvious. But there is also a reverse effect when artists know their genre and only submit to like minded people who cover that genre.
An artist mentioned to me recently how he likes how he recommend other areas that albums may get a fair hearing. Labelling anything is a pain and I wish it was unnecessary, but you have to aim somewhere and there will be an area where a song is predominant. But many artists don't aim for the edges.
Many of you know how much I love Prog and Psych and I include it here whenever I think it may be appreciated, but these albums fit other areas. These genres can fit Classic Rock, Indie Rock, Pop Rock, Alt Rock, UK Beat. Prog albums fit Psych Pop many times, Psych albums fit many other genres.
It is important for artists to do their research, actually look into where they are submitting, discover a bit about the place. Much better to send to five to places that might appreciate the music, than fifty who mainly won't. Remember most of the smaller sites / stations are largely door openers and followed by peers who will also pick up on the music. Don't underestimate word of mouth.
Generally, potential coverage is declining as are sites that make a difference. Look at how Power Pop is covered now to how it was a decade ago. So if you only submit to your chosen genre, how is your audience going to grow?
A final point about submissions in general. There are many who don't have Spotify, us included. We believe Spotify does little for new and under appreciated artists. Great music goes down a big black hole. So put your music everywhere and tell potential listeners / buyers where they can buy it. Sending just a Spotify link may not get you many results.
Also, Social Media is the biggest pain in the arse ever. But one of our most frustrating and time consuming things is the time we have to spend finding the social media accounts of artists and where the music is. If you are on Bandcamp etc, mention and link it. Note all your social media accounts. There are many times where we can help the artist if we knew where to direct people.
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