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Friday 9 August 2024

The Martial Arts - In There Like Swimwear


Paul Kelly, a stalwart of the Glasgow scene has been threatening to follow up The Martial Arts 2006 debut  album and 18 years on, number 2 is finally with us. The in demand sideman offers up a cracking Pop Rock ride that is both charming and chorus led.

Although feeling and sounding very 70s, there are hints of both the 60s and UK New Wave. But the album is most in common with the West Coast Pop of the likes of The Explorers Club, a little less vocal harmony led, but much more Sunshine Pop.

Almost Bubblegum joy seeps out aided by big arrangements and Kelly's gentle understated vocal. The latter being the key requisite as Kelly could make you enjoy him singing the Phone Book. A song like Exploding Crushing Inevitable could be imagined appearing midway through an American Cartoon Series.

Friends Of Fools has hints of 70s Glam Rock, certainly the singalong Pop that accompanied that period. But there are diversions, Hold On Full Of Hope is New Wave Pop of the highest order. Not Coming Down has a killer chorus and a slight Pete Wylie feel.

Working On My Eyes is the big ballad and adds a great Sax break, but the real stand out is the closer, aptly called Closing Number which is melancholic, almost heartbreaking, but breaks out into Jangling Joy with a Psych Pop instrumental ending. It is a magnificent six minutes.

Kelly has that knack of the best jaunty songwriters with songs of sadness and lost relationships surrounded by instrumental happiness. There's a real chipper vibe to In There Like Swimwear that is infectious. You don't have to bang songs out to make them appeal. Great stuff!

You can listen to and buy the album here. It is available on Vinyl or as a download.


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