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Friday 23 August 2024

Macseal - Permanent Repeat (Bandcamp Name Your Price)


We loved Macseal's 2019 debut album, Super Enthusiast, you can read our review here. In the review, we mentioned that some of the best bands that come into Pop Rock from EMO or Pop Punk turn out to be the best in their new genre and that album was a great example of such.

In the five years since that album, the New York quartet have honed their skills and this second album edges more into Power Pop. Great melodic Power Pop, all melody, riffs and big big choruses. Permanent Repeat is not only a great summer album, but goes far beyond that.

The new breed of Power Pop bands have a slightly noisier take, whereas Macseal go for something more traditional, more 90s, but also add a modern take at times, via beats and production. This really works as it opens up a slightly different angle to the poptastic fairy on display. 

Easily Undone is a great example of this, yet October is a short acoustic almost Beach Boys affair. The title track even gets all Jangly Glasgow, very Dropkick or dare I mention it Teenage Fanclub with its unexpected guitar fest breakout.

Your Door gets all 90s US Sitcom Theme Tune, think The Rembrandts, yet still rocking it up as the song progresses. Hide Out is one of the great fast / slow examples around, changing tempo at will. There's even a big jangling storytelling ballad to close proceedings with a killer, almost Tsar like, chorus.

Yet A+B is such a gentle laidback opener, more Indie Pop, that gives you a slightly false impression of what is coming. A special mention has to be given to Beach Vacation, a killer song, chock full of harmonies and joy. Permanent Repeat is great Power Pop and we all want some of that.

You can listen to and download the album here. The album can be bought in one of three Vinyl versions and CD here.


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