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Wednesday 4 September 2024

John Wlaysewski - Far From Here EP


We are big fans of Late Cambrian, but are equally enamoured with band leader, John Wlaysewski's fledgling solo career which is running parallel. Following on from this year's 7 Track mini album is this splendid 3 Track EP.

Wlaysewski in solo mode reveals a great singer songwriter. Centring in Pop Rock land, the songs go further afield with changes of direction in individual songs that cover Indie Rock, Modern Pop and Psych Pop. 

The title track continually adds surprise interruptions that catch you off guard yet never detract from the song. Running Out Of Time sounds more Power Pop and has a great chubby Slacker verse that leads into an ear worm of a chorus.

Future Ghost has a more funky vibe that heads into Modern Indie Pop, very different to the two songs that precede it, but again showing the versatility on display. I recommend anything by the band that you care to listen to. All are available on the Bandcamp site.

You can listen to and buy the EP here.


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