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Sunday 15 September 2024

Mountain Movers - Walking After Dark


New Haven's Mountain Movers are well into their second decade and the phrase "Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out" was ready made for them. Over the last eight years or so, they have grown and grown an audience as they moved away from the Jam Band scene into something much more deep.

I spent a good while in the Jam Band scene in the late 90s / early 00's and although it was a fine place to be, with really engaged and great people, it was a bit self fulfilling, all self contained, no one sort of broke away from that scene. It was dominated by bootlegs and live performances.

Part of my remit has been to show that we are not just about crashing chords and big choruses nor angular Indie and gently, bit by bit, brick by brick, guide followers to the joys of music outside of our comfort zone. This has worked in a way, particularly with Psych and Prog.

Mountain Movers are a quartet who fit into both of those genres, yet are also quite a few steps away at times. You are likely to hear Bongos, but also synths. The music is more of a soundscape, ethereal in a way. A mixture of instrumental and vocal.

They aren't afraid to tread into Folk or even gentle Space Rock. Songs are built around riffs that are never gonna burst an amp, but are incredibly melodic and hypnotic. At times, there is a real chill out feel to proceedings, yet the Psych, in particular, is incredibly engaging. 

A double album may not be the best to place the start, but it is where the band are currently at and they move on quickly. Thought the long and short songs, I would urge listeners to make the time to listen to Walking After Dark from start to finish, Listening as such underlines the joy of the album format.

You will note that I haven't embedded or chosen any of the songs for this post. That is deliberate, hopefully encouraging you to listen to the whole offering.

You can listen to and buy the album here. It is available on Vinyl or as a download.


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