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Tuesday 22 October 2024

Eve 6 - Dream Fist


Eve 6 are obviously a band with a deep history and a long career. Most notably recently, their reputation has been handed due to vocalist Max Collins take over of the band's Twitter account and turn it into a must read fun packed thing. One of the great things on the Musk riddled bollocks spreading thing that it became.

The Trio have also been great exponents of Patreon, and use it as it is meant to be used. Allowing interaction with fans, but more essentially a way to ensure music is rewarded financially with its fair recompense. These 12 songs were released monthly to Patreon subscribers and now they are collected on Dream Fist.

This is not something that is just random songs thrown together. It feels and sounds like a proper album, a splendid album in fact. I do wonder what long term fans think of it, it does feel very different to the Alt Rock they are known for. Bands move on and many of my faves started as something completely different, particularly Pop Punk bands.

It has an opposite effect with me. Eve 6 have been a band that I've admired casually, largely because I don't indulge in that genre enough. But I think this is one of the most interesting albums that I have heard in a long while. It is an absolute stormer.

There are still hints of the trio's past, but here the variety is totally admirable. At times, it is Modern Rock, at others Indie Rock, but there are even footsteps into Power Pop and Electro Rock. Indeed considering the latter, Even Though is completely out of kilter with everything else here, but absolutely wonderful.

I'm not going to go into the songs, because this is an album that deserves your attention from start to finish. I've picked my three favourites, but I could have chosen any 3. I don't know if it is the way songs were recorded one per month, but the results are extra-ordinary. I urge you to get the headphones on and give it a go. Wonderful!

You can listen to and buyout e download here. The Vinyl and CD can be order via the Band's website here.


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