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Tuesday 1 October 2024

Owen Marchildon - Dangling Towards Heavy Sunlight


Ontario's Owen Marchildon has a long career of different projects under different names, but this is his first album under his own name. Dangling Towards Heavy Sunlight is essentially a Jangle Pop album, but it is not only that.

The Jangle Pop also steps into varied areas.Heavy Dreams is a cross between 60s West Coast Jangle and Merseybeat. Celebrity Singles vocally gets all Tom Petty and Weather Gurl, the stand out single candidate, is cracking jangling Power Pop.

There is also an ability to tell a story, particularly on Desperately Cruel, wonderfully so, with more than a hint pf Elvis Costello in the vocal. The Dumbness Of Love is another storytelling affair, but much darker, even hinting at Americana. 

There's even real melancholia with the dark moody Slaughter and Ginger Norwegian is similarly pensive, a little 80s Post Rock, even a little Classic Rock and adds a crackerjack of a solo. These songs reveal to the man than the joy of jangle.

The real delight here is the closer. Silver Screen sort of brings everything together in a jaunty Pop Rock affair. It is a song that sort of brings everything together in one song. Marchildon has offered up an album that will please Janglers, but underneath there is a real singer songwriter craft. Excellent!

You can listen to and buy the album here.


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