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Tuesday, 28 February 2023

Listening To This Week


A monster 16 songs this week that are in no order of preference and provide a cracking diverse listen. I think many of you know that I don't use Spotify or Apple Music etc. You Tube isn't ideal for anything much and a self compilation raised copyright problems and piracy issues. 

So I thought this weekly feature may be the best thing to tell you about these songs. This weekly fayre is solely for submissions, not the usual stuff that we dig out ourselves. This is a fine and varied selection of songs. Please investigate the artists further. 

All links open in new windows to aid scrolling.

Creamer - House Of Dreams

RedrumSociety - Have Some

Eddie Brett - Pub People

Tyler Millard - The Ghosting

POLSKY - Song for the Silver Surfer

The Renunciate = Battle Graduate

Dead Lucid = Ordinary Freak

Aura Blaze - Dreamdrive

The Caliph - Getting Better

 Sad Boys Club = Delicious

Qwiet Type - My Dear

Charming Arson - Crazy Jane Gets God

Nicholas Walmer - On the Outside

Plethora of Bliss - Create a New Day

KESMAR - "Is It Me or Is It Love

Gaba Groove - Zoo Train
