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Monday, 24 March 2025

Creem Circus - Get Switched On


There's been a real spate of UK Glam Rock albums over the past couple of years. All welcome and fine listens, but going back a few years more, the revival of it began a little earlier with both Ulysses and Creem Circus. The latter's 2020 album still sounds as great as it did then.

I can't believe that it has been over five years since I reviewed that album which also had the longest title outside of an early T. Rex release. You can read the review here. Fret not, there is still plenty of the essential Glam here, but there are steps away from it, whilst staying firmly in the 70s.

The Philadelphia band know what they are about and do it so expertly. There's a real Noo Yawk sleeze to Keepers Of The Hip with references to the Sunset Strip. It is built around a big groove and the six and a half minutes of it fly by. It is a real rock out.

Riff Down is all Cheap Trick, whilst Tell Me About It goes rocky UK New Wave. Caesar's Palace mirrors The Darkness without the high pitched vocal with exceptional Guitar solos akin to the twin attack of Thin Lizzy.

Edge Of The Morning has a riff not a million miles away from Another Girl Another Planet, but is much more Classic Rock. Get With The Power, instrumentally gets even closer to Thin Lizzy, but also adds a Psychedelic Intro and interlude. It is splendid Guitar overload.

Switched On and Playgirl show that the band have lost none of their 1974 Glam Rock chops, but Get Switched On is a much more rock focused album than the last. Guitar and Groove driven, incredibly melodic and singalong stuff, but with more Grit. A magnificent listen!

You can listen to and buy the album here. A Vinyl Version is released in June, details here.


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