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Friday, 14 March 2025

Heavy Sweater - SO SAD!

We are back in Canada for Toronto's Heavy Sweater. We've become big fans of the quartet largely due to the three singles that have been real Listening To This Week faves and we've been waiting to tell you about the album. Today being release date allows us to do just that.

This is a band that can cross many genres without ever seeming to deliberately do it. There's a lot in common with the new noisier breed of Power Pop, but there's also a real Slacker 90s feel. They can rock out with some paint stripping solos, yet are still Pop Punk enough to be able to ear your cap backwards.

This is a really accomplished debut albums, just as at ease with 90s Rock and EMO as it is with big riffs and slowed down grooves. If you've listened to those singles, you will get the drift, but that doesn't hold back the joy and energy that is present here.

Amongst all the noise, there is even room for an Acoustic Ballad, Held Together, that adds a wonderful electric solo. Eyelids is still probably their best song, the shouty vocal and slacker vibe is all attitude and venom, yet is still transformed with a sing along chorus and a corking solo.

Elsewhere you have the bouncy Power Pop of Stain Removal, the Indie Rock of Yawn, the Emo of Toolbox and the momentous Guitar laden Real Good Guy. This may be a little noisier than you normally hear, but the chance to shake your fist is a welcome change. My other half Tez summed it up.. On another listen, she said "This is your sort of album isn't it?" and she is absolutely right. Great Stuff! 

You can listen to and buy the album here.  


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