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Sunday, 16 March 2025

Skeleton Staff - HEPTO-ALTRUISM


We absolutely adored the last album from Sydney's Skeleton Staff when it appeared in late 2022. You can read the review here. HEPTO-ALTRUISM is just as wonderful and varied as the aforementioned Malapropism. However the path it takes is slightly different.

This is a much gentler album, the bombast has been replaced by something that is much 60s led, all harmony and intriguing arrangements, but the band's expertise with a chorus is still admirable and as adept as ever.

This is intelligent Indie with a big heart and you know how much we love such. Take for instance Sugar, a song that reeks of San Franciscan Bubblegum, all vocal harmony and jaunty arrangement. There is a wonderful interlude that enhances the song even more. 

Forever Or We Go Down In Flames is magnificent Psych Pop with a touch of UK Beat and The Littlest Pig is all I Can't Let Maggie Go with delightful harpsichord. The Chosen even gets all ba ba ba ba Beat and is top notch Jangle Pop.

Away from the 60s, The Devil's Best Tunes is more 70s Pop Rock with a C86 intro. I Don't Belong In This Era I'm From is more than a little Brit Pop. Indeed, it sounds like Jarvis Cocker fronting Christie as a wonderful Psych Jangle to it.

1am is a real outlier as an opener. Sort of Chris Difford doing Chaz and Dave to a TV Crime Thriller soundtrack. It shouldn't work, but it does. Skeleton Staff call themselves a Cartoon band, there is way more of interest here than many other straight ahead bands. Another great album!

You can listen to and buy the album here. It is available on Vinyl CD and as a download.


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