One of the great things about doing the two 31 Reviews In 31 Days is that I get to move around the dial more than just fitting things in wherever possible with all the attention that the Listening To This Week Playlist takes.It allows me to focus on different genres and new and old friends.
Daily Worker may be new to you, but Cotton Mather are not. At times, all the CM attention goes to Robert Harrison, forgetting the long time Guitarist, Whit Williams. Daily Worker is Williams's solo project and is a precious listen.
Field Holler is the new album and it is a corker. I've seen it described as lo-fi, it sounds higher fi than that and what is unmistakable are the Guitar runs. The Psych sound runs through the album, but is mixed with much more and the laidback gentle Vocal allows the variation to blossom.
You'll hear Americana, Indie and 60's Beat as well as our beloved Psych Pop. It is quite an exhilarating listen. The vocal seems deliberately low key but Williams's Guitar playing is unmistakeable and the songs are lyrically adept, helped by the alternate career that Williams has as a poet.
The Stand out song is the Psych Pop masterpiece, Gloryland. At times, Williams's vocal edges towards early T.Rex, particularly on the likes of Waterloo Sutra, a real hippy trippy affair. However, the title track is a front porch Country strum.
Broken Men Jangles for all its worth and Born Again (Again) is Jangle Psych Pop. Sky Beyond The Sky gets all Brit Pop. There are also great Pop moments, especially on Delmar oad and there is a Wilco feel to Long Slow Fade. Field Holler is a really admirable listen.
You can listen to and buy the album here. It is available on Vinyl and as a download.
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