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Tuesday 5 March 2024

Slight Delay

In what has seemed to be one thing after another over the past couple of months, the electric went off this morning. There was no power to the meter at all. The Meter was replaced about an hour ago and we have Electric again.

Then on reconnecting the internet, the broadband has gone down and it is an outside fault. This won't be fixed until Friday morning. But I will be able to write reviews via a mobile internet connection which is quite slow due to the area that we live in,

So the plan will be to get reviews up tomorrow evening. I will then owe you three and will probably post two tomorrow and two the day after. If you have submitted any downloads, these will have to wait until the internet is back up.

There is however still plenty that are here and have to be listened to, so I will utilise the remaining time by listening to those. I am sure that next up will be a plague of locusts descending upon us. You might be able to fit in listening to the latest Listening To This Week which is a stormer.



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