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Saturday 17 September 2022

Various - Indian Summer (Free Download)


Time for another compilation and this one is especially dear to my heart. I talk to quite a few around the scene and there are many admirable people. But the two that are most akin to me personality and outlook wise are Wayne from Ice Cream Man Power Pop And More and Darrin from Janglepophub.

We share the same sense of humour, the same cynicism at times, but above all else, we are about the artists. Very defensive of musicians, without whom etc etc and on the front foot concerning the new and the underappreciated musicians.

Wayne's strength is his weekly Radio Show which is syndicated far and wide and a great listen. But his annual compilations are especially ace because they bring these artists to an even wider audience and have become something to really look forward to. The shows are extremely popular.

Wayne does a proper job, this isn't something that is thrown out, it sounds great from start to finish. Every individual track gives a link to the artist. Although there are many artists who I know here, there are plenty that are not, so even the oldest man in the village can learn something.

There are 40 songs here and all are free. You can download individual tracks or the whole thing as a whole. I suggest the latter and if 40 songs are a bit much in one go, then listen to them in two halves or batches. Everything on here merits conclusion.

As ever with a compilation, it is impossible to mention everyone. Around half have been featured on IDHAS in one way or another, so I will concentrate on some who haven't. But please don't ignore the likes of Emperor Penguin, Star Collector and Kid Gulliver, to name just three.

Mansfield are a Danish band who are new to me and they open proceedings with a Brit Pop flurry. The Walk Offs offer up something that sounds somewhere in between Glam and Canvey Island. Monty Vega And The Sittin' Shivas provide a New Wave version of The Ramones.

I placed Strange Neighbours on the latest IDHAS 10 Song Mix on the strength of hearing it here. Phil Hendricks excels with a song that compares to Def Leppard doing The Only Ones. Perilous made me reach for my Flares with a cracking slice of Glam Rock. The Flares must have shrunk in the wash.

I've gone for two songs by great artists that I know and two that are new to me for embeds. However I urge people to listen to everything here. You'll find everything from Psych Pop to Garage Rock. A special round of applause for Wayne. Here's hoping he keeps on keeping on.

You can listen to and download the compilation here.



  1. Thanks for the great write-up! I'm proud to have my song "Approaching End of Usable Life" included!

  2. Thanks 🙏Wayne for including The PoZers song “SoCal” on this fantastic compilation, and thanks 🙏 Don for the great review!
